THCa is a precursor to Delta 9 THC, and is the most abundant cannabinoid found in cannabis. THCa was made fully Federally legal The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018.
Private Label & White Label Available
Hemp-Derived THCa was made fully federally legal by The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018
THCa is an isomer of CBD and one of the four most common cannabinoids found in hemp. THCa is chemically different from delta-9-THC by only a few atomic bonds. There are clear-cut reasons why THCa was made federally legal and delta 9 THC was limited to a maximum content of 0.3%. While THCa only exists naturally in fractions of a percent, we at THCa Science are focused on the future of cannabis by concentrating federally legal esoteric cannabinoids to discover their potential.
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